4 My Love Cards - Create a card for that special loved one. It’s like BlueMountain for lovers!-
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Abu Fine Art - African-American art. The artwork is awesome! And, it’s really inexpensive, considering what we would spend on “white art.” -
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Africana - Another Yahoo! for African-Americans. This one looks a little more professional than Indigoblu, but they’re both fierce competition. -
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The Amazing Stupendo - One of those mind-reader things. I used to do these things in high school...nice to know I still have a little of that teenager left in me! -
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Beautiful Black Men - The title should speak for itsel!!!!! I’m still drooling...watch out Richard...if I get my hands on any of these hotties, he will be swingin’ in the wind... -
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Black Facts Online - A date or word searchable database of African-American history facts. It only received a C, because at times, it is slow and confusing. But, the facts are interesting! -
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Black Planet - An online forum for African-Americans. The only thing is, you have to become a member to gain entry. Membership is free, but I would think they’d have a preview page. -
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Black Women’s Health - Geared toward the health concerns of African-American women. This site has a lot of good health and fitness tips, as well as warning signs (specifically for African-American women) for various ailments specific to African-American women. -
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Columbus Ohio Supersite - My hometown’s supersite. It provides information about the city, as well as links for current residents. -
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Cushcity - The African-American Amazon.com. -
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The Dialectizer - Translate websites and text into different dialects (redneck, jive, pig latin, moron, etc.). It’s not intended to be racist, just fun. (Try typing in my website...see what comes up!) -
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Dolly Goodrum’s Story - The story of a courageous African-American woman. It is long, but well worth reading! -
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Elke’s Home Page - A few good African-American History Links. -
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Encyclopedia Africana - An African-American bookstore online. The books are awesome and informative. It only receives a B rating, because the title is mis-leading. It is not a place to research encyclopedic entries, as I said before, it’s a bookstore. -
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God’s Yellow Pages - Scriptures for every occasion! It has an index, or you can use the search engine feature. -
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A Good Black Man - An awesome resource for African-American men looking to better themselves. EVERY African-American man should visit this page. It has stories about mentors, and news about African-American men doing the right thing. -
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Hello To Guyana - A Yahoo! for Guyanese. Extremely informative. The owner, Paul Kampta is Guyanese, and doing a great job keeping other Guyanese informed via the internet. The site also has a personals section for all you single people! -
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High School Alumni - A database of high school alumni. It’s great for those planning reunions or trying to reach old classmates. -
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Indigoblu - An African-American search engine. I would expect this site to be true competition for the top 10 search engines. -
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The Insanity Test - I was 60% insane...a loony! -
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Jesus Hugs - A hug from the ONLY real friend you’ll ever have! It’s extremely relaxing and motivational. -
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JFK, Jr. Tribute - A beautiful tribute to America’s prince. This is the best tribute I’ve seen. The site takes a while to load, but it’s well worth the wait. -
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KNoSMAN Clothing - An African-American clothing company (mostly streetware). The clothing is professional, and phat...watch out Karl Kani and Tommy H! -
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Multicultural Resource Links - A list of multicultural resource links (primarily educational). The page also deals with diversity in different settings. The page only received a C, because it could be presented a bit better. -
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Nation of Islam - A NOI page. (I think it’s for settlement number one). -
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Oz - My favorite TV show. It’s about prisoners, and their survival in jail. The site also has links to stories of real prisoners, and interviews with the cast. -
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The Rotten Core - Maintained by educated democrat William Pitt. You have to see this site for yourself. The guy’s opinions are outrageous, but he’s extremely passionate about them. I consider him a democratic Rush Limbaugh. -
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Something Good - A truly inspirational and relaxing site. -
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Web Camera - This is beta software from Microcoft. It takes a picture of you without the aid of a webcam! Just try it. -
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